
Out Of My Depth: A 10-9 Oneshot

I can't believe I pretty much penciled all these babies in two days flat after struggling with it for WEEKS. I actually went backwards with it. Starting with Page Five and the final panel and working my way up on all the pages. :3 I feel it kept the style over all FAR more consistent. And glory be it was done 100% digital. Once I accepted my cartoony inclinations and focused on being speedy I'm super pleased with the results. :D In the end I found a completely new way of doing eyes and my own certain iconography for noses. The fact that I treat the mouths like rubber works much better in this look then my feeble attempt at being super realistic.

And yes. Ahimsa totally talks with his hips. For seriously. *dies*

The kitten is the best part in the history of ever. The End.

The lettering won't happen until the 26th, so for now I hope the story's clear enough. :3

Enjoy. :3

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